
Poor Rich Dad course arrangement

1. Get the teaching materials- It's okay.
2. No qualifications documents
3. No. of people? 5
4. Verbally, May 08, then postponed to 20, 21, 22 June 08, then postponed to 4,5,6 July
5. Telephone communications -> no email written down, etc.
6. Defended that this is the part of the course (teaching materials) and then no try to tell me that there is no refund.

Cosmo English

An initial complaint is going to launch to Consumer Council.

Attn: Ms Angela Chan
Fax: 21024584
- Contact no.
- Correspondance Address
- Payment Receipt etc.
- Issues? ( Verbally promise (May), postpone ( 20, 21,22- June), and postpone, disallowance of withdrawal of course, etc). I notice that only when I call admin office and the consultant.
- Poor course administration compared with CUHK-SCS
