
20萬自僱族 兩成月入2萬 人數兩年增7% 學者指助擴工種

【明 報專訊】統計處昨日發表本港自僱人士研究報告,本港自僱人士較兩年前增加7%,達20萬人,其中4.3萬人於過去5年加入自僱行列。除了傳統低學歷的運輸 物流業較多人自僱,亦有剛畢業的學生及主婦投身自僱,自僱人士的工資中位數為1.1萬,但亦有兩成自僱者人工於2萬元或以上。
七成自願辭工 最多為創業
自僱人士仍以運輸、倉庫及速遞等為主,13.5%自僱者屬此行業。另外,自僱者月入中位數亦有所提升,達1.1萬元,較2010年的9500元,有 15%增幅,但仍較現時整體月入中位數1.2萬元為低。工時方面,自僱人士平均每周工時為45小時,較2010年的48小時有所減少。
20萬自僱人士中,6.2萬人於過去5年月投身自僱行列,約七成(4.33萬人)表示自願辭工由「打工仔」改為自僱,主要原因包括「想自己創業」 (17.5%);其次是「不喜歡工時長/不方便/欠彈性」(11.4%);第三為「不喜歡工作性質/公司行政/同事」(11%)。另外,有兩成多自僱者, 過去為「非從事經濟活動」者,如學者及料理家務者,分別有1.1萬及1200人。






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新世界挫11對手 奪波鞋街重建 市值料近30億 4年來增逾800萬呎土儲

明報記者 歐陽慧恩



14 Sept 2012
金管局收緊按揭申請人多過1個物業的按揭貸款申請上限,將有關最高按揭成數上限調低10個百分點,以提升銀行的風險管理。以供款與入息比率(DSR)的上限降至40%,利率壓力測試的供款與入息比率上限亦降至50%,以資產水平作為申請的最高按揭上限降至30%。 若果主要收入並非來自本港,最高按揭成數需要再降低20%。若果申請人為第2個物業申請按揭,是自住或樓換樓,則不受新措施影響。 金管局總裁陳德霖表示,新措施對首次置業及上車盤影響不大,因為600萬元以下的自住人士,仍能申請最高70%的按揭成數,亦可透過按保計劃,申請最高90%按揭。 陳德霖表示,樓市周期演變受土地供應、息口變化、市民收入轉變、歐美經濟及金融市場走勢影響。現時內外環境存在不確定性,金管局會留意市場發展及樓市周期演變,因應不同情況推出。

金管局總裁陳德霖表示,美國推出第三輪量化寬鬆措施,令全球低息環境及充裕的流動性持續更長時間,對亞洲新興經濟體帶來通脹及資產價格壓力。至於香港,他相信不會對銀行同業拆息帶來太大影響,因為拆息已低無可低,但亦要做好準備應對資金流向波動,樓市等資產市場過熱的風險。 陳德霖指出,金管局會在適當時間進一步推出逆周期措施。他提到,金管局會就按揭貸款的需求及供應作調控,但樓市亦受市場需求、市民收入上升、公眾對後市的期望以及外圍因素。 至於在聯匯制度下港元跟隨美元轉弱,陳德霖重申,香港作為細小而開放的經濟,聯匯制度是最適合的安排,無需亦無意改變。

Fed Undertakes QE3 With $40 Billion Monthly MBS Purchases

The Federal Reserve said it will expand its holdings of long-term securities with open-ended purchases of $40 billion of mortgage debt a month in a third round of quantitative easing as it seeks to boost growth and reduce unemployment.
“We’re looking for ongoing, sustained improvement in the labor market,” Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said in his press conference today in Washington following the conclusion of a two-day meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee. “There’s not a specific number we have in mind. What we’ve seen in the last six months isn’t it.”
Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, during a news conference following a Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 13, 2012. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke speaks about the central bank's asset purchases and the U.S. economy. He speaks at a news conference in Washington after a meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee. (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Alan Blinder, now a Princeton University economist, Allan Meltzer, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, John Taylor, an economics professor at Stanford University, and Kevin Warsh, a former Fed governor, participate in a panel discussion about the potential implications of Fed monetary policy. Bloomberg's Rich Miller moderates the panel at the Bloomberg Markets 50 Summit in New York. (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Abby Joseph Cohen, a partner and strategist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Steven Einhorn, vice chairman of Omega Advisors Inc., Jean-Marie Eveillard, senior adviser for First Eagle Investment Management, and Tobias Levkovich, chief U.S. equity strategist at Citigroup Inc., talk about the Federal Reserve's decision to undertake a third round of quantitative easing today, the outlook for financial markets and investment strategy. Bloomberg’s Dominic Chu moderates the panel at the Bloomberg Markets 50 Summit in New York. (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Abby Joseph Cohen, senior U.S. investment strategist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., talks about the Federal Reserve’s decision to undertake a third round of quantitative easing and the impact of threatened federal budget cuts on U.S. financial markets. She speaks with Trish Regan and Adam Johnson on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Alan Blinder, now a Princeton University economist, talks about today's decision by the Federal Reserve to undertake another round of quantitative easing. The Fed said it will expand its holdings of long-term securities with open-ended purchases of $40 billion of mortgage debt a month as it seeks to boost growth and reduce unemployment. He speaks with Trish Regan on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, talks about the Federal Reserve's decision to expand its holdings of long-term securities with open-ended purchases of $40 billion of mortgage debt a month. (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Guy LeBas, chief fixed-income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, talks about the Federal Reserve's decision to expand its holdings of long-term securities with open-ended purchases of $40 billion of mortgage debt a month. He speaks with Julie Hyman on Bloomberg Television's "Lunch Money." (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve said it will expand its holdings of long-term securities with open-ended purchases of $40 billion of mortgage debt a month in a bid to boost growth and reduce unemployment. The central bank's Federal Open Market Committee said it would likely hold the federal funds rate near zero “at least through mid-2015.” Hans Nichols and Michael McKee report on Bloomberg Television's "Lunch Money." (Source: Bloomberg)
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Federated Investors Steve Auth reacts to the Federal Reserve decision to expand its holdings of long-term securities with open-ended purchases of $40 billion of mortgage debt a month. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Lunch Money." (Source: Bloomberg)
Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, in Washington, D.C. Photographer: Joshua Roberts/Bloomberg
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Stocks jumped, sending benchmark indexes to the highest levels since 2007, and gold climbed as the Fed said it will continue buying assets, undertake additional purchases and employ other policy tools as appropriate “if the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially.”
Bernanke is enlarging his supply of unconventional tools to attack unemployment stuck above 8 percent since February 2009, a situation he called a “grave concern.” The decision immediately provoked a renewed backlash from Republicans, including Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, who said Bernanke’s policies damage the Fed’s credibility while doing little to spur the economy.
The FOMC also said it would probably hold the federal fundsrate near zero “at least through mid-2015.” Since January, the Fed had said the rate was likely to stay low at least through late 2014. The Fed said “a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens.”

Stocks Rally

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index jumped 1.6 percent to 1,459.99 at the close of trading in New York. Oil climbed 1.3 percent to $98.31 a barrel, a four-month high, while gold jumped to the highest price since February.
“This is definitely a significant shift in FOMC policy,” said Julia Coronado, chief economist for North America at BNP Paribas in New York and a former Fed economist. “This is a very aggressive commitment to success on its mandates.”
Bernanke said the open-ended purchases would continue until the labor market improved significantly. “We’re not going to rush to begin to tighten policy,” he said. “We’re going to give it some time to make sure that the economy is well established.”

Price Stability

While the U.S. has “enjoyed broad price stability” since the mid-1990s, Bernanke said, “the weak job market should concern every American.”
Bernanke said the open-ended purchases of securities should help bolster the confidence of American consumers and businesses by showing that the central bank is determined to stop the economy from weakening.
“By assuring the public that we will be prepared to take action if the economy falters, we’re hopeful that that will increase confidence, make people more willing to invest, hire, and spend,” Bernanke said.
Purchases of housing debt should help the housing market, which he called “one of the missing pistons in the engine.”
“Our mortgage-backed securities purchases ought to drive down mortgage rates and put downward pressure on mortgage rates and create more demand for homes and more refinancing,” he said.

Housing Debt

The market for housing debt bore him out as mortgage-bond yields tumbled to unprecedented lows, signaling home-loan rates may fall to new records.
Yields on Fannie Mae-guaranteed mortgage bonds trading closest to face value declined 18 basis points to 2.18 percent as of 3:05 p.m. in New York, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The gap with an average of five- and 10-year Treasury rates narrowed 16 basis points to about 98 basis points, or the lowest since 1992.
The Fed said it will continue its program to swap $667 billion of short-term debt with longer-term securities to lengthen the average maturity of its holdings, an action dubbed Operation Twist. The central bank will also continue reinvesting its portfolio of maturing housing debt into agency mortgage- backed securities.
Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker dissented for the sixth consecutive meeting, saying he opposed additional asset purchases. Lacker opposed the FOMC’s June decision to extend Operation Twist through the end of the year and has said he expects interest rates will need to be raised in 2013.

Jackson Hole

Today’s Fed meeting comes less than two weeks after Bernanke’s Aug. 31 speech in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, when he lamented the state of the labor market and defended his “nontraditional policies,” saying “the costs, when considered carefully, appear manageable.”
Weak employment data has increased pressure on the central bank to act. The Labor Department said Sept. 7 that the economy added 96,000 jobs in August, less than forecast by economists and down from a 141,000 increase in July. Average hourly earnings were little changed, and 368,000 Americans left the labor force.
Economic growth slowed to a 1.7 percent annual pace in the second quarter from 4.1 percent in the final three months of last year.
“The committee is concerned that, without further policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions,” today’s statement said.

Economic Forecasts

In its economic forecasts released today, policy makers said the job-market will improve more swiftly by 2014, with unemployment forecast to fall to 6.7 percent to 7.3 percent, compared with 7 percent to 7.7 percent in their June projections. In 2015, unemployment will fall to 6 percent to 6.8 percent.
Growth will improve to as much as 3 percent next year and as much as 3.8 percent in 2014, up from upper estimates of 2.8 percent and 3.5 percent in their previous forecasts. The so- called central tendency forecasts exclude the three highest and three lowest of 19 estimates.
Bernanke, a scholar of the Great Depression, has deployed the most aggressive monetary policies since the Fed’s founding nearly a century ago as he battled the 2007-2009 financial crisis, helped pull the nation out of the worst recession since the 1930s and then sought to keep the expansion going.

Target Rate

The Fed lowered its target interest rate to zero in December 2008 and undertook two rounds of large-scale asset purchases that swelled its balance sheet to almost $3 trillion from less than $900 billion in December 2007, when the recession began.
Unlike the first and second rounds of quantitative easing, today’s program has no end date, and Bernanke declined to provide specific estimates of what economic conditions would prompt the Fed to act or how long the purchases might last.
Republican lawmakers criticized the Fed’s action, with Tennessee’s Corker saying in a statement that Bernanke is “beginning to do serious damage to the Fed as an institution.”
“Open-ended purchases of mortgage-backed securities will politicize the Fed and add substantially to its balance sheet risks, but it will not help our economy’s long-term growth prospects,” Corker said.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said today’s Fed decision reflected what he described as President Barack Obama’s failure to revive the economy. He repeated his calls to replace Bernanke when the chairman’s term expires in January 2014.

Printing Money

“The president’s saying the economy’s making progress, coming back,” Romney said in an interview with ABC News. “Bernanke’s saying, ‘No, it’s not. I’ve got to print more money.” He added that “I think printing more money, at this point, comes at a higher cost than the benefit it’s going to create.”
Bernanke said today that the central bank didn’t take into account the November presidential and congressional elections in its decisions.
“We have tried very hard to be non-partisan and apolitical,” Bernanke said. “We make our decisions entirely on the state of the economy.”
Bernanke’s policies have also raised doubts within the central bank. Fed district bank presidents, including Richmond’s Lacker, Philadelphia’sCharles Plosser and Dennis Lockhart of Atlanta, have also raised concerns about inflation or whether more Fed action would help fuel growth.

海嘯4周年 樓價升近六成 遠勝恒指同期9.6%升幅



明報記者 鄒凱婷


袁彌明買樓 睇3年買貴七成 當作「姑婆屋」 要深思熟慮



明報記者 歐陽慧恩