Crash Of 2008 Now Worse Than Crash Of 1929
Henry Blodget|Mar. 5, 2009, 8:49 PM|43
Tags: Investing, Stocks, Stock Market, S&P 500, Editors' Picks, Depression, Markets
We just hit another milestone. The market has now fallen farther faster than it did during the Great Crash of 1929-1932.
Floyd Norris, NYT:
It has been 513 calendar days since the stock market peaked on Oct. 9, 2007. Since then, the S.&P. 500 is down 56 percent and the Dow is off 53 percent.
On Jan. 29, 1931 — the identical number of days after the 1929 market peak — the S.&P. 500 was down 49 percent and the Dow was down 56 percent. The 1929 crash got off to a much faster start, but we have now more or less caught up.
And here's a chart by Doug Short at dshort.com that illustrates the point. In case you're obsessed, Doug updates the chart every day: